Category: Blogging


If you’re a current or past patient of ours, you have obviously already found us and we sincerely hope you consider us a “good” chiropractic office in the Kansas City area.  However, what if you have a friend in another city or are moving to another city?  We often get asked how somebody in those situations can find somebody “like us”.  So we’ve come up with five tips to consider when researching a chiropractor.

1. Make sure the chiropractor provides more treatment options besides adjustments/joint manipulation

Are chiropractors doctors? 5 truths and myths

Abraham Maslow once said, “I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.”  If a chiropractor’s only tool is the adjustment, that means every patient that walks into the door will get an adjustment, whether it is necessary or not.  For many conditions, adjustments do indeed help for the short term or even the long term.  However, many conditions require something more than

At our office, we utilize functional exercise therapy, McKenzie Methoddry needling, nerve flossing, myofascial release (Active Release/Graston), and various other therapies.  When researching another chiropractor, look for these types of therapies on their website.  Look at their credentials/training and see if they are trained in various treatment techniques.

2.  Stay away from offices that pressure you into long-term treatment plans.

If there’s one thing we despise in our profession, it is chiropractic offices that make patients sign up for a long-term treatment plan.  Often they will tell you that the issue requires treatment for 3x/week for a month or two, then 2x/week for another month or two, then 1x/week for a month or two.  This is complete BS.  There is absolutely no reasoning or validity to this.  Don’t fall for it.  If your chiropractor mentions anything like this, RUN OUT OF THE OFFICE!

So what is reasonable for a treatment plan? Most medical guidelines recommend a trial period of care for 4-6 visits.  If the condition is improving, keep going for another 4-6 visits or until resolution of symptoms.  Our office averages about seven visits per injury.  So some patients will only take a few visits while others may take closer to 10-12 visits.  But seeing a chiropractor multiple times per week for months on end isn’t something that should happen.

3. Avoid chiropractors that want to x-ray every patient and perform repeat x-rays on a regular basis.

We’ve blogged before on how imaging is over-utilized, especially for spinal conditions.  However, some chiropractors believe x-rays are necessary for evaluation and treatment.  The research is very clear that this is completely unnecessary for most patients.

So should an x-ray or MRI ever be ordered? Yes, of course.  There are certain signs and symptoms that will make imaging necessary before treatment.  But these signs and symptoms are rare (about 1-2% of people with spinal pain).  Some patients may also need imaging if there’s no improvement with treatment. If your chiropractor requires an x-ray before treatment on every patient, then it might be time to shop around.

Chiropractor can Boost your Libido - Women Fitness

4.  Watch out for the anti-medical offices

Waaaaaay back in the day, chiropractors and medical doctors had an “us vs. them” mentality when it came to treatment.  Unfortunately, this means some patients missed out on the best care for their unique condition.  Luckily, as the professions and research evolved, this led to chiropractors, MDs, and various other professions working together to ensure patients received the best care.  We often refer to MDs when medications, injections,s or surgery are needed to improve symptoms.  Likewise, many MDs refer to us when they believe our care will help.  However, some chiropractors still hold an anti-medical stance.  Why? Same reason some people still think the world is flat.  They just do.

5.  Make sure the chiropractor works with you on your goals

Chiropractic Adjustments: Costs And Benefits – Forbes Health

If your goal is to be able to run a marathon and your chiropractor wants you to quit running and take up yoga, then he or she may not be the best fit for you.  Or, maybe you want your chiropractor to give you exercises so you can self-manage your condition while your chiropractor wants you to come in every week or two.  In both of these instances, the goal of the patient was not aligned with the goal of the chiropractor.  So when you start care with a new chiropractor (or any medical provider), be sure that he or she understands your goals and is willing to work with you on those goals.

Hope this helps you find your next great chiropractor!  Let us know if you have any other tips for finding a good chiropractor.  Also, feel free to send us ideas or questions on blog topics.… Read the rest

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Tips to Provide Great Customer Service For Your Chiropractic Patients

So, you’ve got some new patients on your hands and you’re wondering how you can keep them coming back into your office time and time again. Well, we’re here to tell you that the best way to retain patients is to provide excellent customer service that makes you stand out from your competition.

Creating and retaining great patient relationship management for your clientele every time they come to your office should be an objective at each and every appointment. To make sure they have the best patient experience and are satisfied with your services, there are a few key principles you should follow.

Here are 7 tips for you and your staff to provide great customer service for your chiropractic patients.

7 Customer Service Tips for Chiropractors

1. Keep your word.

This goes without saying, but when you tell your patients that you are going to do something, you need to keep your word. Oftentimes patients are promised things that they may never receive.

For example, if you are working with a patient that has recently been in an auto accident and you tell them, “we’ll have you fixed up in six short weeks,” they are expecting that their injuries to be healed in that amount of time that you’ve given them.

But, when that six week is over and they haven’t made as much progress as you told them they would, that can affect your credibility. Your patient may feel like you’re not trustworthy because you didn’t keep your word. Be mindful when speaking to patients and include disclaimers when going over what can be expected from their treatments.

Instead of telling them, “you’ll be healed in six weeks,” tell them, “you’ve suffered quite a few injuries, but my staff and I are here to help you heal as fast as we can. Typically, this can take anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks.”

2. Listen to your patients.

When your patient tells you a complaint they have, whether it’s about the pain they’re experiencing or a critique on your services, you should take that into account. This is your opportunity to build patient loyalty.

Listening to whatever grievance they have proves to them that you value their input and care about their experience with your practice. It’s then your job to take those complaints into account and do something about them. Take action to solve the problem so that your patient will be satisfied with the results.

If they tell you that the receptionist at the front desk was impolite when they checked in for their appointment, what action can you take to make sure that their experience is better on their next visit? Be sure to investigate the claim before making any decisions on how to rectify the situation and listen to your staff’s accounts as well.

3. Be honest when you make mistakes.

Did your staff member tell a patient that they would email them a confirmation about their next appointment and forget to do so? When your team realizes the mistake, reach out to your patient to extend an apology and fix the problem. Also, figure out what you can do the next time around to avoid making that same mistake.

Try an automated patient relationship management system that can help you maintain consistent communication with clients and improve your patient retention rates.

4. Respect their time.

As a healthcare provider, your schedule is often very busy. We get it! But, so is your patient’s. They may have other things going on in their day and this was the only time they could fit an appointment with you. Which means that you should always be on time.

If you’re running a little behind because you’re speaking with the patient before them, notify the next patient so they can adjust for the time change. Try your best to avoid leaving them in the dark. If they are in your waiting room, have your staff give them updates and offer refreshments so that your patient knows they haven’t been forgotten.

5. Thank your patients.

It’s important that you remember to thank your patients for their business. They chose your clinic above others and they love to know that you appreciate them.
Tell them to thank you every so often. You could even extend an offer to them, such as a discount on their next visit, to show that you value them as loyal customers.

6. Be respectful.

Your staff should always treat each and every patient that comes in with courtesy and respect. Respect is an important aspect of any business, but especially for patients and healthcare providers.

Being respectful creates a healthy environment for everyone to work together and get the best results for their patients.

7. Make a good impression every time.

Whether it’s their first appointment or tenth, your patients should always be extended a warm welcome. Whenever they come in for a visit, treat them the way that you would want to be treated. Say hello, greet them with a smile, and establish eye content. You want their appointment to be as pleasant as possible so that they will continue to come to see you.

Patient Relationship Management

Maintaining a healthy and positive relationship with your patients is of the utmost importance to healthcare providers. Your patients should be able to completely trust you and know when they walk into your office that they’ll receive the best services you can provide.

You and your staff must work hard every day to give each patient the proper time and care needed. Incorporating these easy customer service tips will help you inspire patient loyalty for life!… Read the rest

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Promoting Your Chiropractic Office: 9 Tips for Chiropractor Marketing

Simply offering top-notch services for a chiropractor is no longer enough to get patients into your office. Potential patients need to know how good your services are before they try them out, and online directories, listings, and review websites make this information accessible. Existing patients are valuable in terms of repeat business and a referral channel. Consequently, online marketing to get the most out of potential and existing patients is crucial, so here are 9 simple chiropractic marketing ideas to promote your office.

9 No-Brainer Chiropractic Marketing Ideas to Boost Your Business — The  Evidence Based Chiropractor- Chiropractic Marketing and Research


Get Found With These 3 Chiropractic Marketing Strategies


  1. Develop an online presence. If your chiropractic office is not online, you should be. If you don’t have a website, get one. While it often takes years to get a decent ranking in Google and other search engines, you can speed up the process by listing your business in every online directory of chiropractors you can find, and you’ll soon discover that there are many out there. Start with the ones that pop up first when you search for chiropractors and work down. Yelp may have already created a page for you with basic information, but if not, you can create one yourself. It’s fast, easy and most importantly, free!  Be sure to include pictures and lots of pertinent information, along with a catchy slogan like “Live the active lifestyle you deserve.”
  2. Leverage social media. More and more consumers are finding local businesses through social media pages such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.  At the very least, create a Facebook page.  Once you’ve developed a following update it from time to time with helpful advice on nutrition, exercise, stretching techniques, etc.  If you don’t have time to write posts, you can always include links to relevant articles instead.
  3. Make connections with other businesses.  If you don’t offer massage at your office, scope out businesses that offer therapeutic bodywork and offer to trade referrals.  Connecting with other medical professionals and perhaps acupuncturists is a no-brainer, but what about seemingly unrelated local businesses?  If your office has a favorite health-conscious place to order lunch, consider leaving a menu and/or a few business cards on your counter.

Get Customers with These 3 Chiropractic Marketing Initiatives 

How safe are PEMF Devices and what are side effects of PEMF therapy?

  1. Use the power of positive thinking. Many people may be unfamiliar with chiropractic techniques and unaware of their benefits. Encourage your patients who have had remarkable outcomes to share their experiences on your Google+ or Yelp page. You can then also post those reviews on your own website. Fill your Facebook page with links to articles about medical breakthroughs that are providing hope for people in chronic pain. All of these positive results will encourage patients who might be on the fence about seeing a chiropractor to come in and explore the possibilities with you.
  2. Offer a new patient special. A patient who is on the fence is more likely to come in and give you a try if they’re getting a good deal. Whether you offer them a free consultation, a free X-ray or a whole discounted package, the trick is to get them in the door so they can find out what you have to offer. Be careful with offering a free or discounted massage, however. You may get many customers coming in for a free massage who have no interest in long-term chiropractic treatment.
  3. Incentivize referrals. Offer free or discounted services to customers who refer their friends and family. This will make your current patients happy, while also growing your client base. Be sure to promote your referral offers on your social media pages and your website as well as in your office waiting room.


Get Repeat Business with These 3 Chiropractic Marketing Methods

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  1. Stay in contact with your patients.  Encourage them to give you their email address, and send them notices of special promotions, new equipment, changes in office hours and anything else that might be of interest, such as new blog posts or even a monthly newsletter.  It also allows you to ask your customers for their feedback.  Be sure to keep the emails infrequent however, maybe once or twice a month, or they may get annoyed and unsubscribe.
  2. Offer “frequent flyer” type discounts and memberships that will keep patients coming back to achieve certain milestones for rewards, such as a free massage.  If the “reward” is an introduction to another service or treatment you offer, it’s a win-win situation for everyone.  Offering package deals such as a 10% discount on ten treatments when purchased in a block ensures that they’ll keep coming back at least nine more times, giving your patient a discount and you the money up front to help pay the bills.
  3. Treat every patient as if they were your best customer.   Sometimes when a business offers a coupon or special deal, they get an overwhelming response which can lead to unfortunate and unintended results.  If you didn’t read this blog in time and offered say, a free massage, and now you’re inundated with takers, it’s critical that you somehow manage the flow. Customers who feel they’re somehow being treated differently because they have a coupon are quick to complain about it on your Yelp page.  It’s okay to give your current patients priority scheduling as long as you carefully explain to your new customers that you’re inundated with new patients right now and will schedule their treatment as quickly as you can.  Don’t overbook, and make a concerted effort to give each patient your very best. Remember, this is why you offered the coupon, and this is your chance to show them why they don’t want to go another day without your services!
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10 Unexpected Benefits of Chiropractic Care

10 Unexpected Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Have you ever visited a chiropractor because you had pain in your neck or back? Many of us have. But that’s not all chiropractic care is good for. In fact, you can reap a whole host of health benefits when you pay regular visits to your chiropractor.

Chiropractic care improves your quality of life

Chiropractic care isn’t just about your spine. It involves the nervous system and every part of your body. The overall goal of chiropractic care is to improve musculoskeletal health, which impacts your daily function and quality of life.

When a chiropractor improves your body’s biomechanical dysfunctions, you start to experience a host of unexpected benefits, and we’ve outlined a few of them for you.

Improved immune function

A healthy immune system keeps viral and bacterial infections at bay. Your nervous system regulates cell functions, but even the slightest misalignment can interrupt the process, and this has a ripple effect on your immune system’s ability to fight off viruses.

Chiropractic care restores function to your nerves to ensure your cells are operating the way they ought to.

More energy

When your body is sore, joints and muscles tense up, resulting in inflammation. This tension and pain gets in the way of your well-being. But with chiropractic care, joint and muscles discomfort is reduced, and you experience a vitality boost.

Better asthma control

Do you find yourself reaching for your rescue inhaler more often than you’d like? People with asthma have reported a reduction in their symptoms after visiting a chiropractor. Spinal misalignments are known to disrupt the nerve impulses that are important for lung function, and realigning your vertebrae allows the nerves to function correctly.

Lowered blood pressure

Studies show that a chiropractic adjustment targets the nerves in your upper neck, which may be just as effective as taking blood pressure medication.

Improved digestion

The nerves running through your spine control your stomach functions. If the vertebrae are misaligned, your nerves may signal for more acid. This leads to acid reflux, gas, and heartburn. With chiropractic care, the nerves in your thoracic spine are affected, which may ease stomach issues.

Easier breathing

Even the lungs rely on nerve function to work the way they’re supposed to. When there is a misalignment in your cervical and thoracic spinal regions, it can result in lung problems. Chiropractic correction of these issues can help reduce lung inflammation and help you breathe easier.

Better balance

As we get older, balance can become a problem. While activities like tai-chi and regular exercise can help keep the core and legs strong, chiropractic care can also help improve your balance.

Healthier pregnancies

It’s been reported that chiropractic care may assist in healthier pregnancies and easier deliveries. Your body goes through momentous changes during pregnancy which impact the nervous system. Weight increases in the body’s core and ligaments in the pelvis loosen, placing increased pressure on your spine. Regular chiropractic sessions can ensure both a healthier mother and baby.

Splendid sleep

Pain and tension from a misaligned spine can result in sleepless nights. Chiropractic care can ease the pain and tension, aid relaxation and, ensure you enjoy a far more peaceful slumber.

Improved range of motion

Regular chiropractic care provides an improved range of motion, helping you to move easier and get through your daily activities with less effort.

If you want to improve your health through the many benefits of regular chiropractic care, the experts at McGowen Medical Centers are here to help. Book your session today by calling our office in Jacksonville, Florida, or clicking the button to schedule your appointment online.Read the rest

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Should you see a chiropractor for low back pain?


Should you see a chiropractor for low back pain?

If you’ve ever seen a doctor for back pain, you’re not alone. An estimated 85% of people experience back pain severe enough to see a doctor for at some point in their life. Yet despite how common it is, the precise cause of pain is often unclear. And a single, best treatment for most low back pain is unknown. For these reasons, doctors’ recommendations tend to vary. “Standard care” includes a balance of rest, stretching and exercise, heat, pain relievers, and time. Some doctors also suggest trying chiropractic care. The good news is that no matter what treatment is recommended, most people with a recent onset of back pain are better within a few weeks — often within a few days.

What’s the role of chiropractic care?

Some doctors refer back pain sufferers to a physical therapist right away. But many people with back pain see acupuncturists, massage therapists, or a chiropractor on their own. Experts disagree about the role of chiropractic care, and there are not many high-quality studies to consult about this approach. As a result, there are a number of questions regarding the role of chiropractic care: Should it be a routine part of initial care? Should it be reserved for people who don’t improve with other treatments? Are some people more likely to improve with chiropractic care than others?

The answers to these questions go beyond any academic debate about how good chiropractic care is. Estimates suggest that low back pain costs up to $200 billion a year in the US (including costs of care and missed work), and it’s a leading cause of disability worldwide. With the backdrop of the opioid crisis, we badly need an effective, safe, and non-opioid alternative to treat low back pain.

A recent study on chiropractic care for low back pain

2018 study published in JAMA Network Open is among the latest to weigh in on the pros and cons of chiropractic care for treating low back pain. Researchers enrolled 750 active-duty military personnel who complained of back pain. Half were randomly assigned to receive usual care (including medications, self-care, and physical therapy) while the other half received usual care plus up to 12 chiropractic treatments.

After six weeks of treatment, those assigned to receive chiropractic care:

  • reported less pain intensity
  • experienced less disability and more improvement in function
  • reported higher satisfaction with their treatment
  • needed less pain medicine.

While no serious side effects were reported, about 10% of those receiving chiropractic care described adverse effects (mostly stiffness in the joints or muscles). Five percent of those receiving usual care had similar complaints.

All studies have limitations

And this one is no exception. While this study suggests that chiropractic care may be helpful for low back pain, some aspects of the study make it hard to be sure. For example:

  • It only lasted six weeks. As mentioned, most new-onset back pain is better by then regardless of treatment. For those with more long-lasting back pain, we’ll need more than a six-week study.
  • The differences in improvement between those receiving chiropractic and usual care were small. It’s not clear how noticeable such a difference would be, or whether the cost of chiropractic care would be worth that small difference.
  • The study included a mix of people with new and longer-standing low back pain and a mix of types of pain (including pain due to a pinched nerve, muscle spasm, or other reasons). If this study had included only people with muscle spasm, or only people who were obese (rather than military recruits), the results might differ. So, it’s hard to generalize these results to everyone with back pain.
  • Most of the study subjects were young (average age 31) and male (77%). All were generally healthy and fit enough to pass military fitness testing.
  • Study subjects knew which treatment they were receiving. This creates potential for a placebo effect. Also, the added time and attention (rather than the spinal manipulation) might have contributed to the response. Then again, these factors may not matter to a person who just wants relief.
  • This study only included people who were willing to receive chiropractic care.
  • Even within the two groups, the care varied — that is, not everyone in the usual care group received the same treatment, and this can also be said for the chiropractic group.

If any of these factors had been different, the results might have been different. For example, it’s possible that if an older population of people with chronic low back pain had been studied, “usual care” might have been the better treatment.

Bottom line

This new study lends support for chiropractic care to treat low back pain. But it’s important to recognize the limitations of this trial, and keep in mind that treatment side effects were more common among those receiving chiropractic care. In addition, chiropractic treatments aren’t free (although, fortunately, insurance coverage for chiropractic care is becoming more common).

This won’t be — and shouldn’t be — the last study of chiropractic care for low back pain. But until we know more, I’ll continue to offer it as one of many treatment options.… Read the rest

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5 Reasons Why Healthcare Should Become a Trend

Change is the one thing most people hate, and yet it’s necessary for any developing society. The world is changing rapidly, and so should the healthcare system, especially in the U.S. The health care industry plays an important role in the physical health of people and the economy as a whole.

We need healthcare professionals to enforce policies that will run the system effectively. With the increasing levels of stress and psychosomatic illnesses, we need healthcare professionals never like before.

Other challenges necessitate the need for qualified healthcare professionals to lead and manage hospitals. Technology is advancing rapidly, and there is a need to keep up with it through changes in policies and the management of information systems.

The world needs more healthcare professionals. And the healthcare profession has the potential of greatly rewarding the individual based on the quality of services he or she offers. A health officer can have the opportunity to impact a town or nation positively.

Several people in the healthcare industry have made a positive impact on society. For example, Dr. Mona did some research in Flint, Michigan, and discovered the presence of lead in drinking water. She discovered why the children’s blood in the area had high lead levels and urged them to change their water source.

Her discovery led to the opening of the Pediatric Public Health Initiative at Hurley Children’s Home. Since its opening, the Initiative has been partnering with other agencies, people, and children in Flint, Michigan, to help resolve the Flint Water Crisis. Clinical and community programs have been started to improve child health policies.

Dr. Mona is not the only one. A healthcare professional, Josh Benner, sold his organization RXAnte to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center unit. Josh is still the CEO of the company and continues making a positive impact on society by reducing the wastage of money that happens when prescription medications are prescribed inappropriately and used.

Good healthcare professionals are greatly needed all over the world today. And they will be greatly rewarded based on the quality of service they render. The sky is the limit for them.

Healthcare should become a trend because of the change in technology and our lifestyle, which has led to changes in the healthcare system and increased lifespan. The future of healthcare is brighter like never before. Let’s discuss the five reasons why healthcare should become a trend.

beach, senior, man Photo by qimono on Pixabay

1. An Aging Population

Between 1946 and 1964, approximately seventy-six million people were born, commonly referred to as the baby boomer generation. This generation is said to be the largest in history. Some of the oldest people in this generation reached retirement age back in 2012. Other baby boomers will continue retiring up to the year 2030. This means that out of the seventy-six million baby boomers, eleven thousand people retire every day or four million people every year.

The majority of baby boomers rely on Medicare and Medicaid to get the care they need, which will definitely put a strain on healthcare resources. Due to newer scientific discoveries and explorations, life expectancy will increase, which means the baby boomer generation will live longer and depend on healthcare longer than any other generation. The current life expectancy is 79 years. This is double what it was someone a hundred years ago.

Due to the healthcare burden, medical professionals are needed to ensure that insurance and other payment systems are operating efficiently while using newer technological systems to keep baby boomers healthy. Prior authorizations have an important topic.

2. A Growing Pharmaceutical Industry

The World Preview Report estimates that the pharmaceutical industry is expected to grow by a staggering 6.3 percent by 2022.

The growing pharmaceutical industry needs qualified healthcare professionals to operate properly. The industry has created jobs that require a workforce with several skills and education. A growing pharmaceutical industry will positively impact the global economy and healthcare professionals.

Flying Half Mast Photo by Jonathan Simcoe on Unsplash

3. Political influences

Politics has always been a great influencer and driver of change. A poll conducted in 2014 showed no other aspect as important to the opinion of an American citizen on healthcare as his or her party affiliation.

Now that a Republican president is in office, Americans should expect major changes in the Affordable Care Act. These changes will definitely be enforced in a few years to come. And the healthcare sector relies on capable professionals to implement the changes.

Healthcare policy can be transformed by professionals who want to get involved in healthcare policy jobs. There are three categories of health care policy jobs. They include:

  • Healthcare settings

The healthcare system is transforming rapidly, and there is a great need for candidates experienced in health policy. Getting involved in health care policy means continuously educating yourself to ensure medical institutions are following protocol.

  • Healthcare consulting

Most providers do not have enough resources to employ experts in healthcare policy. Therefore, they outsource the task to different consulting organizations. My colleague from Forex Broker, in a heated discussion, has once said that consulting firms have an added advantage of using financial and advanced data modeling, two aspects that a private organization is not likely to access.

  • Government policy

A career in government policy offers the healthcare professional an opportunity to change policy before it is created. Healthcare analysts who work with the government are responsible for scrutinizing and determining the success or failure of a health program and giving their recommendations to improve individual and societal health.

4. Competition and Creativity

Healthy competition always leads to creativity because professionals associate pleasure with the tasks at hand. Unhealthy competition leads to stress and frustrations. And it’s likely to promote unethical behavior.

How many professionals love their work will determine their level of creativity. For example, every professional from the custom essay who loves their work is likely to spot opportunities that could positively impact many people.

While competition can increase the performance of the mind and body, it should always be regulated to avoid its negative impact not only on the professionals but also on the people seeking medical services.

5. Technological advancement

Technology has affected every aspect of our life, including health. It’s easier to collect data, conduct research, and come up with several treatment options that have the potential of performing well.

Technology is a huge driving force in the healthcare industry. Over the years, medical experts have developed monitoring devices such as heart rate monitors, digital thermometers, and blood glucose indicators, to name a few.

They have also developed wireless sensor technology which allows doctors to monitor the health of patients. The patients don’t have to go to the hospital to get health care services.

Through the webcam, doctors can communicate with patients and make quick decisions regarding a patient’s health. A couple of minutes or seconds can save a life.

Software developers have developed apps that people can use to track their health. Bloggers and publishers have not been left behind in increasing health awareness across the world through their content.


The future of the healthcare sector depends on the commitment and excellence of qualified medical professionals. The economy is dependent on healthcare because people cannot survive without proper health care. Increased lifespan, technological advancements, politics, and the need for policy changes will only happen if medical professionals are equipped with the right knowledge and attitude.… Read the rest

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Why Chiropractors are the Top Choice for Neck and Back Pain

As you age, the neck and back can start or worsen if it’s been present. Experts estimate that up to 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Chiropractors are often seen as the ideal choice for resolving this pain; but why?

The back is a complicated structure of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles. You can sprain ligaments, strain muscles, rupture disks, and irritate joints, all of which can lead to back pain. While sports injuries or accidents can cause back pain, sometimes the simplest of movements—for example, picking up a pencil from the floor— can have painful results. In addition, arthritis, poor posture, obesity, and psychological stress can cause or complicate back pain. Back pain can also directly result from diseases of the internal organs, such as kidney stones, kidney infections, blood clots, or bone loss.

This back and neck pain can easily interrupt important parts of your life, causing pain, suffering, and making you uncomfortable. The Palmer Institute of Chiropractic found that 57% of adults are likely to see a chiropractor for neck or back pain. With another half of the adult population agreeing on this, it becomes abundantly clear why chiropractors are seen as the ideal choice: they know what they are doing when it comes to neck and back pain.

In addition to a majority saying they would see a chiropractor for neck and back pain, a majority of U.S. adults think chiropractors are effective at treating neck and back pain. Instead of leaving excessive pain in the hands of your primary care physician, it’s recommended that you see your chiropractor for care first. Since well-educated and certified chiropractors are a viable first option, it makes more sense to make an appointment with them first to take care of your pain as soon as possible.

Not only do we recommend that you see a chiropractor first, but 29% of Americans agree that they would see a chiropractor first.

Contact us and make an appointment today to start your journey to a less painful neck or back!… Read the rest

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8 Things That Can Be Treated by a Chiropractor

back pain

  • Conditions Chiropractors Typically Treat
    Chiropractors treat conditions related to your body’s structure. Their goal is to relieve pain and improve function. They don’t prescribe drugs or do surgery. Rather, they adjust or manipulate your spine and other body parts to get them in the right position, or proper alignment. Chiropractic care is based on the idea that when your body is in proper alignment, you have a better chance of healing yourself. Get an overview of some of the more common ailments—not all of which are related to the spine.
  • Woman with lower back pain
    1. Low Back Pain
    Low back pain is one of the most common reasons people seek treatment from a chiropractor. Research on spinal manipulation often focuses on low back pain. Some people with low back pain benefit from going to a chiropractor, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Some research suggested people with low back pain got better relief from going to a chiropractor than from going to their family doctor.
  • woman touching upper back
    2. Neck Pain
    Chiropractors often treat neck pain with neck manipulations. These are also called adjustments. In some cases, these neck adjustments—along with exercises—may work better for neck pain than pain medications. You may want to try a chiropractor if you have had neck pain for a long time that is not due to an injury. This type of neck pain may respond to chiropractic care.
  • Woman with headache
    3. Tension Headaches
    Chiropractic adjustment for your neck may help if you have tension headaches. These are a common type of headache that causes pain in the back of your head and neck. Stress and bad posture can cause tension headaches. A chiropractor might adjust your neck and give you some stretching exercises. The chiropractor might also suggest healthy ways to reduce stress and relieve your headaches, including proper posture and body mechanics.
  • woman with headache
    4. Migraine Headaches
    Research has shown that chiropractic spinal manipulations can decrease migraine frequency, decrease pain, and reduce the need for migraine medication. How this occurs is not known. The authors of the study suggest that chiropractic care reduces overall stress, which may, in turn reduce the effect of migraines. Triggers for migraine headaches may include certain foods. Your chiropractor can also give you advice on nutrition and some changes in your diet to help treat migraines and other types of headaches.
  • Neck pain
    5. Whiplash
    Whiplash is a type of neck sprain that often results from a car accident. Whiplash causes pain and stiffness in your neck. Pain may be worse when you try to turn your head. You may even feel dizzy or sick to your stomach. Chiropractic adjustment may help. A chiropractor may have you do exercising and stretching at home, too, and show you how to use heat or ice to reduce muscle spasms and swelling.
  • Severe hip pain
    6. Sacroiliac Pain
    Your sacroiliac (SI) joint is a big joint at the bottom of your spine. SI joint problems cause a different type of low back pain. You may feel this pain in your buttock or the back of your thigh. Chiropractors treat this type of pain with chiropractic adjustment. The chiropractor might also teach you how to avoid straining your SI joint. And, he or she might give you some exercises to strengthen your core muscles, which are the muscles that support this joint.
  • Painful shoulder
    7. Shoulder Pain
    You probably think about back and neck pain when you think about chiropractic care. However, a chiropractor might also be able to help you if you have a stiff and painful shoulder. This condition is called frozen shoulder syndrome. People with frozen shoulder may have less pain and more movement after chiropractic care. Your chiropractor will stretch the muscles surrounding your shoulder and show you how to perform more stretches at home.
  • holding knee
    8. Knee Pain
    Most often, wear and tear on the knee joint causes knee osteoarthritis. This is a very common condition. Chiropractic care might help. Chiropractors sometimes do back adjustments along with knee adjustments. This type of treatment may work better than knee exercises alone. Some people treated with chiropractic adjustment have less pain and better movement after a few weeks of treatment.
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What’s the truth about chiropractors?

Chiropractors attend graduate-level health colleges to treat disorders of the bones, nerves, muscles, and ligaments. They graduate as doctors of chiropractic degrees, but they are not medical doctors.

While chiropractors are widely known for treating back and neck pain, they also treat bone and soft tissue conditions.

In this article, we explore myths and truths of chiropractic care. We also describe the training that chiropractors undergo, how safe these treatments may be, and the research behind the practice.

What certifications must chiropractors have?
Chiropractor working on woman's backShare on Pinterest
A chiropractor’s work involves making adjustments to reduce back pain.

A common myth is that chiropractors do not undergo a significant amount of training.

In fact, they typically complete about 8 years of higher education before they are licensed.

Chiropractors tend to have 4 years of undergraduate education.

They usually graduate with a pre-med major after having taken courses in sciences, such as biology, chemistry, psychology, and physics.

They then attend a chiropractic graduate program. On average, these involve 4 years of education with a total of 4,200 instructional hours in course credits.

Chiropractic program specifics

Divided by year, a chiropractic graduate program usually involves:

  • First year: Courses in general anatomy, chiropractic principles, biochemistry, spinal anatomy.
  • Second year: Courses in chiropractic procedures, pathology, clinical orthopedics, imaging interpretation, and research methods.
  • Third year: Courses in clinical internships, integrated chiropractic, pediatrics, dermatology, practice management, and ethics and jurisprudence.
  • Fourth year: A clinical internship, in which a student studies under a chiropractor and completes rotations in a hospital or veterans’ clinic.

Other studies often accompany those mentioned above.

After completing the educational and training requirements, an aspiring chiropractor in the United States will sit for their state licensing board. Once they have obtained licensure and certification from the board, they will become a doctor of chiropractic.

Chiropractors often receive additional training and certification in a wide variety of specialties, including nutrition, sports medicine, acupuncture, and rehabilitation.

According to the American Chiropractic Association, the average chiropractic program involves as many classroom hours as a program that trains medical doctors.

Are chiropractors legitimate?

Another common myth is that a chiropractor merely cracks a person’s back or bones.

Chiropractic care is centered around spinal manipulation. However, practitioners also study how the spine and its structures are related to the body’s function.

What do chiropractors attempt to heal?

Stressed woman with a painful neckShare on Pinterest
Chiropractors attempt to heal whiplash-related conditions.

A majority of a chiropractor’s work involves making adjustments to heal:

  • lower back pain
  • whiplash-related conditions
  • neck pain

They may also provide services such as postural testing and analysis, as well as others designed to promote nutrition and healthful exercise.

Does it work?

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health in the U.S., chiropractic therapy is the type most commonly used for back pain. An estimated 74 percentTrusted Source of Americans with pain in this area have used chiropractic care at some point in their treatment.

Results of a 2010 review cited by the center suggest that spinal manipulation may be useful for treatingTrusted Source back pain, migraine headaches, whiplash, and other conditions affecting the upper and lower extremities.

Like other forms of treatment, chiropractic care will not benefit all injuries. Sessions should be tailored to a person’s needs and performed by a licensed chiropractor.

Who could benefit?

Several myths surround this question. One myth is that chiropractors only treat back pain. In fact, chiropractic care can also help to heal pain in the foot, elbow, shoulder, and neck.

The same review cited by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health concluded that chiropractic treatment is not usefulTrusted Source in treating:

Authors of the review failed to find definitive evidence that chiropractic care treated musculoskeletal conditions, such as fibromyalgia, temporomandibular joint disorders, and mid-back pain.

Chiropractors also do not treat traumatic injuries, such as bone fractures. A chiropractor will usually perform an X-ray to ensure that treatment will not worsen a traumatic injury.

Science supporting chiropractic treatment
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Studies suggest that chiropractic methods are viable options for managing pain.

2018 review included 17 years of studies involving spinal manipulation and mobilization, which is a more passive form of manipulation.

The studies investigated the effects of these treatments on chronic lower back pain, and the authors concluded that the chiropractic methods were “viable” options for pain management.

A 2017 review examined the effectiveness of spinal manipulation in treating lower back pain.

The authors concluded that treatment improved both function and pain for up to 6 weeksTrusted Source.

The American College of PhysiciansTrusted Source recommend that those with lower back pain use a variety of non-pharmacological treatments, including spinal manipulation.

Researchers generally agree that more studies are needed to determine the ideal length and frequency of chiropractic sessions and to identify what injuries may benefit from specific treatments.

Is it safe?

One of the most common sources of contention regarding chiropractic treatments concerns safety.

A person may experience side effects of spinal manipulation, including:

There have been occasional reports of long-term danger related to chiropractic care.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health reports that severe complicationsTrusted Source may include worsening pain and cauda equina syndrome, which involves nerve damage in the lower spinal cord.

According to the American Chiropractic Association, most discomfort and soreness subsides within 24 hours of spinal manipulation.

The World Health Organization (WHO) state that it is unsafe for people with certain health conditions to undergo chiropractic manipulation. These conditions includeTrusted Source:

  • bone disease and infections
  • broken bones
  • inflamed joints, such as in cases of rheumatoid arthritis
  • some circulation problems
  • infections of the nervous system

An aspiring chiropractor must spend thousands of hours studying before obtaining a license. In 2016, an estimated 47,400 chiropractors were practicing in the U.S., according to the country’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Chiropractic care is drug-free and non-invasive, and it may treat some musculoskeletal problems. While this form of alternative medicine may not benefit everyone, it is generally considered safe for most people.

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10 Benefits of Chiropractic Care

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At least 70 million adultsTrusted Source in the United States deal with some type of chronic pain. In fact, low back pain is the second most commonTrusted Source reason Americans see their doctor.

Many people are interested in finding alternatives to medication for pain relief. Chiropractic treatment is one potential pain management option, especially if you’re dealing with back pain or neck pain.

In this article, we’ll outline 10 of the top benefits of getting chiropractic care, and how to find a chiropractor who’s right for you.

What is chiropractic care?

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Chiropractic care is a form of complementary medicine based on the idea that your body can heal itself with the help of specific hands-on manipulations from a trained professional. These manipulations help realign your joints and can potentially lead to pain relief.

Chiropractic treatment may help relieve pain from conditions affecting your:

Chiropractic treatment often focuses on your spine but may focus on other parts of your body depending on the particular issue you’re dealing with.

Chiropractic treatment has some similarities with physical therapy, and certain conditions may benefit from being treated with both types of therapy.

In general, chiropractors are more likely to use hands-on manipulations to relieve your symptoms. Physical therapists tend to put a bigger emphasis on rehabilitating injuries with stretches and exercises.

What are the benefits of chiropractic care?

1. Improves neck pain

Neck pain is a common problem, especially if you sit for many hours a day, frequently bend your neck to use your phone, or have poor posture. A chiropractor may help ease your neck pain by realigning your spine and easing tension in your neck muscles.

An older 2012 study found that 12 weeks of spinal manipulation was more effective than medication at treating non-specific neck pain in a group of 272 adults at 8-, 12-, 26-, and 52-week follow-ups.

2019 studyTrusted Source found that cervical spine manipulation may help decrease neck pain in the short-term by modifying levels of neuropeptides in your blood. Neuropeptides are proteins made in your nervous system that function as neurotransmitters or hormones.

2. Reduces reliance on opioid pain relievers

People with chronic pain are often given prescriptions for opioid pain relievers to help manage their discomfort. However, undergoing chiropractic treatment may lower your need to take these pain relievers.

A large 2020 studyTrusted Source compared the number of prescriptions for opioid pain relievers filled for adults who visited just their doctor or who visited both a chiropractor and their doctor to treat spinal pain.

The study found that adults who visited a chiropractor were less likely to get an opioid prescription filled for their pain compared to those who only saw their doctor.

3. Eases back pain

Chiropractic treatment may be a good alternative to more invasive alternatives like surgery or injections for treating short-term or chronic back pain.

The American College of Physicians recommends that doctors encourage people with chronic low back pain to first seek non-medication treatments before taking medication to treat their pain. Some of the treatment options recommended include:

2017 review of studiesTrusted Source found that spinal manipulation was associated with moderate improvements in short-term back pain and function compared to placebo treatment for up to 6 weeks.

4. Possible reduction of osteoarthritis symptoms

Osteoarthritis pain is caused by the degeneration of the cartilage in a joint that causes the ends of your bones to rub together. Some types of chiropractic adjustments may help align your joints and reduce how much your bones rub together.

There hasn’t been a lot of research on the benefits of chiropractic manipulation for osteoarthritis. However, a 2020 animal studyTrusted Source found some evidence that chiropractic manipulation may help slow down the progression of arthritis by improving the status of cartilage, bone, and the joint capsule.

5. Eases headache symptoms

Spinal manipulation may be effective at treating tension headaches and headaches that originate in your neck.

2016 study found that 6 to 8 sessions of cervical and upper thoracic spine manipulation were more effective than movement and exercise for relieving pain in people with chronic headaches. This was still the case at a 3-month follow-up.

6. More affordable treatment for chronic back pain

Chiropractic treatment may be a cheaper alternative to conventional treatment for chronic low back pain.

In a 2016 studyresearchers looked at the potential financial benefits of chiropractic treatment for Medicare recipients with chronic back pain.

The researchers found that people who received chiropractic treatment had a lower overall treatment cost. The study also determined that their treatment duration was shorter than that of those who had conventional medical treatment.

7. High satisfaction

Studies have generally reported relatively high levels of satisfaction with chiropractic treatment.

For example, in a 2015 studyTrusted Source, researchers found that a group of 544 people in chiropractic care reported a high level of satisfaction.

Also, 92 percent of the people in this study had improvements in their pain, and 80 percent reported improvements in their ability to move around.

8. Reduces scoliosis symptoms

Chiropractic care may help improve the Cobb angle of people with scoliosis. The Cobb angle is a measurement of how much side-to-side deformity there is in the spine.

2016 studyTrusted Source found that the Cobb angle in a group of five children with scoliosis improved after 8 weeks of chiropractic treatment. Noticeable improvements were seen after 4 weeks of treatment.

9. Helps improve posture

Undergoing chiropractic treatment may potentially help correct poor posture, especially if your poor posture is caused by too much sitting.

2017 case studyTrusted Source examined the effect of chiropractic treatment on a 27-year-old woman suffering from back pain, neck pain, and headaches caused by hyperkyphosis posture. Hyperkyphosis is commonly known as a hunchback posture.

After 30 treatments over 6 months, she showed a significant improvement in her posture and pain relief in both her head and neck.

10. May help athletic performance

Spinal adjustments may potentially improve your athletic performance. This could be due to increased joint mobility, reduced pain, and less tissue restriction.

However, there are still some questionsTrusted Source about whether spinal adjustments improve sports performance. A 2019 review of studiesTrusted Source found that it didn’t improve performance in people without symptoms.

Chiropractic adjustments may be effective when used to deal with pain caused by an injury.

What type of certification and training do chiropractors have?

Chiropractor Educational Requirements

Chiropractors must earn a postgraduate degree called a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC). It usually takes 4 years to complete. Admission to the program requires at least 90 semester hours of undergraduate coursework, and some programs require a bachelor’s degree.

All states also require chiropractors to be licensed. The licensing requirements vary from state to state, but all states require a chiropractor to pass the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners exams.

Some chiropractors specialize in a particular area of chiropractic treatment and go on to do a residency for several more years.

How to find a chiropractor

According to the American Chiropractic Association, there are more than 70,000 chiropractors in the United States.

Here are some suggestions for finding a qualified chiropractor in your area:

  • Ask for recommendations from your doctor, physical therapist, or other healthcare providers.
  • Ask your friends, coworkers, or family members if they have any recommendations.
  • Make sure your chiropractor is licensed by your state chiropractic board.
  • Try using the American Chiropractic Association’s Find a Doctor tool.
  • Schedule a consultation with a chiropractor to see if they’re a good fit before starting treatment. Don’t feel obligated to stick with a chiropractor if you feel they aren’t right for you. It’s OK to consider several chiropractors before you decide on the best one for your needs.

The bottom line

Chiropractors use hands-on adjustments to reduce pain and help your body heal itself. They often focus on issues dealing with the spine.

Research has found that chiropractic adjustments may be an effective treatment for various forms of neck or back pain. Seeing a chiropractor may also lower your need to take pain relievers or undergo more invasive treatments like surgery.

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